
( the-too-sent-krok-pot ) n. proper name a blog containing the thoughts, opnions, and convictions of ryan burns that, theoretically, get better as time goes by: as used in "thetwocentcrockpot kicks booty."

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

couple things...

Ok, first, check out this great message by my friend and hero, Robert Greene. I think the title on the link is incorrect... I think it is supposed to be called, "Facing the Facts of Uncomfortable Grace." If it weren't so late and I so tired, I'd fill you in on the gist... but my bed calls to me, so go listen to it for yourself. Liten well, take notes, and think... If you do so, I believe you will find the same reward in it as did I.

Second, I picked up a book on a whim the other day called, "The Reformation: How a Monk and a Mallet Changed the World." It is a really easy read and covers, breifly, the lives of many of the great characters of the reformation. If you want a quick, easy, and very enjoyable read on the reformation, I highly recommend this one. I'm on chapter 3 now, so I'll let you know more later.

Thirdly, I've been walking, ever so slowly, through "Overcoming Sin And Temptation: Three Classic Works By John Owen." While I would love to post my thoughts on what I've learned thus far, at this point it can be summed up in this:
Be killing sin or it will be killing you
Finally, I really enjoy blogging... It reminds me of when I was a DJ on the college radio station at Georgia Southern (WVGS 91.9 FM). I talked a lot (probably more than I played music) and I found it funny that I was in a room with a microphone, esseientally talking to myself... I mean, who listens to college radio in south georgia... None the less, I really enjoyed it. Similarly, I love sharing my two cents here... is anyone listening? Who knows... but what else am I going to do in this room by myself with a keyboard in front of me...

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Blogger Travis said...

I'm listening to you buddy. Keep blogging. I'm actually thinking about joining you in this newage blogging stuff. I think I will enjoy sharing my thoughts and reading other's thoughts. Say hi to your family.

12:16 AM  

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