
( the-too-sent-krok-pot ) n. proper name a blog containing the thoughts, opnions, and convictions of ryan burns that, theoretically, get better as time goes by: as used in "thetwocentcrockpot kicks booty."

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Marriage Announcement

Well friends, the time has come... thetwocentcrockpot has grown up and gotten married.

"Who did the crockpot marry?" you may be asking...

Well, thetwocentcrocpot found a lovely little female blog to marry called Racooney Where Are You. The two of them are now happily residing at The Daily Burns ( So, come check out the couple at the new happy home.

"So, what will become of the crockpot?" you ask...

Well, he is a happily married blog, so I doubt you'll see him around these parts anymore. However, he really wants to continue to hang out with you... so, go visit him at The Daily Burns.

Thanks for a great 2 years. Mad thanks to those who even have us bookmarked. We'll see you on the new blog...

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Friday, May 11, 2007


First, starbucks... I don't like starbucks. They over roast their beans and the coffee isn't that great. Now, that is not to say that, in a pinch, I wouldn't go to starbucks... but I'd rather not. Well, while my objection is mostly taste related, some of my Christian brothers and sisters have found another reason to avoid the chain. I find it interesting that, if you read the article, you'll see that see that while Starbucks did run an "anti-god" cup, they also ran a "pro-god" cup by Rick Warren. Which, by the way, was quite a sermon to pack onto a starbucks cup.

Second, WORLD CUP IS CLOSED!!!! This is a travesty! Truly the best cup of joe in Richmond (or at least near the office) is gone. To be replaced by what? Some joint called "crossroads." The note on the door says they will serve Rostovs coffee (did I mention that I can get Rostovs coffee from Rostoves - 4 blocks away) and Maggie Moo's ice cream (15 blocks away) ... Sheesh. Not to mention that they just painted the outside this hideous orange/yellow color. Oh, what to do? World Cup, why have you abandoned us?

I'm depressed... I think I'll get some coffee.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

get ready...

Something big is coming... and soon...


Tuesday, May 08, 2007


so, I didn't learn my lesson... I tried AGAIN to convert to new blogger and set up a three column blog... just ended up looking like... uh, bad. So, I've also been playing around with wordpress... take a peek and let me know if you like this better. As for usability, wordpress is working pretty nicely. I don't know... what do you think:


new blogger is annyoing...

For the second time I have attempted to migrate from classic blogger to new blogger and have, again, returned to classic. In the end, new blogger is just to hard to tweek the way I want to... which is sad because I really want to give the crockpot a facelift and clean up the side navigation a bit... I might just have move the crockpot to wordpress... who knows... sheesh


please excuse the mess...

Ok, I am in the process of trying to convert my blog into a three column blog in order to pack it full of twocent goodness... so, it may take some time, but I think it'll look and function much better when we're finished. Until then, please excuse the mess...


Thursday, May 03, 2007

three thoughts...

So, I was reading the Gospel according to John this afternoon and was struck by three things in John 1:43-45
The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, “Follow me.” Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found him of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”
First - Jesus made a decision.

If ever there was a lesson that Christians needed to learn, this is one of them... Make a decision. Time and time again I meet Christians who love Jesus, who pray, who seek to glorify God, and who just can't make decisions. Now, I am not saying that one should flippantly make decisions, especially major life decisions, but at the end of the day you have to make the call. So, pray, submit you plans to God and to people you trusts, and for goodness sake make a decision.

Second - Jesus found Philip.

In some ways this relates to what I just mentioned. See, Jesus' decision to go to Galilee was not arbitrary... instead, he was on a mission that involved finding a very specific person. And guess what, Jesus found him.

Third - Philip got it wrong.

We always do this... Jesus does something and we try to take credit for it. Clearly Jesus found Philip. However, moments after this encounter we see 'ole Phil running to tell his friend Nate about what had just happened and he says, "We have found..." Sorry Phil, Jesus found you. That's just the way it is.

So, the take-away... Make a decision, fulfill your mission, and stop taking credit for Jesus' work.


time to laugh...

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery... so, what does that make impersonation?

I don't know, but this is FUNNY!


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

i like checking the mail...

I really like to check the mail. I think it is the anticipation that something really good or surprising might show up. Maybe a letter from a friend, a gift, a check, or a magazine. Now, I know that there are lots of un-fun things that come in the mail too, like bills, but I am willing to deal with the weeks and weeks of bills for days like today...

I wasn't able to check the mail yesterday. So, this morning I took a peak in the mailbox on my way to the car. Much to my surprise there was a package from the Westminster Bookstore. I was surprised, as I didn't remember ordering anything. I thought that Jenn might have bought something, but I assume she would have told me. So, after a brief debate in my head I decided to open it. Then, with great joy in my heart I saw a book that I had been eyeing for a couple weeks, Edmund Clowney's, "How Jesus Transforms the Ten Commandments."

Honestly, if I had a list of books I wanted to get right now, that one is in the top three. But no one knew that... I haven't so much as mentioned the book to anyone. Inside was a letter from the Westminster Bookstore. They were thanking me for my support of the Westminster Bookstore via their blog partnership program. WOW!!!! THANKS WTS!!!!

Now, let me say that the book was a great gift and I appreciate it tremendously. However, gift or no gift my book links have and will always take you to the Westminster Bookstore. The fact of the matter is their prices are always the best, they have flat rate $5 shipping, and dang it, I want to go to school there... So, there you have it.

Again, Westminster Bookstore, thanks for the book... it's just what I wanted... and you can bet that there will be a post coming soon with my two cents on it. Thanks.
