
( the-too-sent-krok-pot ) n. proper name a blog containing the thoughts, opnions, and convictions of ryan burns that, theoretically, get better as time goes by: as used in "thetwocentcrockpot kicks booty."

Monday, April 24, 2006

luke fans unite...

For all the Luke Barrett fans out there, he has managed to update is blog with a some pictures and 2 videos. So, take a moment to check it out. The pics are pretty impressive... we're talking magazine quality. Also, it is pretty amazing what he can throw together with his digital camera that take 30 second clips and a laptop that isn't a mac... I must admit I am impressed indeed.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

baby burns #2...

So, we went to have an ultrasound today and discover the sex of baby burns #2. Before you get too excited, we are going to keep this little surprise to ourselves as long as we can... so the mystery continues for you.

Now that you know that I am not going to reveal the sex, I wanted to make my initial observations on finding out vs not finding out. I would say that Asher's birthday was one of the single most incredible moments in my life. I still get awestruck remembering the room, the sounds, the emotion... and then there HE was... not she, not it... HE! That was an amazing moment that I believe everyone should experience at least once. So, when we found out about baby #2 we talked about the option of finding out. I was against it initially as the first time was so amazing. However, I knew that Jennifer really wanted to know and truthfully, so did I. The decision was finally made and today was the day...

As we drove into the hospital, I wondered what it would be like... would I cry like I did when I saw asher? Would Jenn cry? Would I have a flood of emotions? Would I be disappointed if it was not a boy? Would I laugh if it was a girl? I had no idea what to expect.

We entered the room and the ultrasound was pretty run of the mill with the ultrasound-ninja taking pics and making notes about all kinds of stuff. As the ultrasound progressed the moment of truth came. We directed our gaze at the screen. The nurse pointed out things to us. We saw the baby's cute little face, hands, and feet (the feet were the most distinct and amazing... 10 little toes)... and the the lady said, "and here is one leg and the other, and here is its bottom and between..."

And there it was... We knew who baby burns was. I sat there for a moment thinking, "wow. we are having a ____." I didn't feel the flood of emotions... I mostly felt like, "where are the emotions?" After the nurse walked out I prayed for jennifer and the baby, thanking God for making it just the way he wanted and in my heart treasuring the prayers for our baby. We gathered our stuff and headed out the door.

As we walked to the car, I was mostly sad that I did not 'feel' anything... THEN, like a wave, Jennifer and I both started to cry... It was then that I realized what is so special about finding out... For, the baby is no longer just "a baby" it is _______.

On the way home we just smiled and talked about the baby and it was so much more... real... I could see in my mind, looking in my rear view and seeing Asher and his _____ sitting right next to him. It was (is) so amazing.

So, is finding out better? no... just different but no less special. If I had it to do over again, I'd still find out... but only because I have had the experience I had with Asher. Please don't get me wrong, I LOVE KNOWING! It is so amazing. But my two cents... don't find out on the first one and after that... fielders choice.

Right now, I just cant wait to hold him... or her... or them... HAHAHAHA!


Friday, April 14, 2006

good-friday thoughts...

For those who are unaware, today is good-friday. As I sat at my desk this morning, I took time to read through the gospel accounts of Jesus' trial and crucifixion (Matthew 26-27, Mark 14-15, Luke 22-23, John 18-19). I have to admit that I often find it difficult to truly grasp what happened that day. Not that I can not mentally understand the facts, but I find that I don't grasp the weight of the account. I feel guilty that, as I read, I do not feel in my heart the emotion and passion that I think I should. I mean, this is the crux of all history. This is the panicle of all creation. Yet I read it and am not move to tears... The injustice, the mercy, the power, the humility, the pain, the joy, the sorrow, the peace... the paradox of Christ's suffering and my freedom... He receiving all I deserve... It is just so amazing. How can this story become commonplace? It becomes so normal that its weight and gravity decline in my heart.

Mel Gibson's movie, The Passion of The Christ, helped many (myself included) understand what that day was like. Watching the movie was truly a helpful moment in my walk as a follower of Jesus. To see and face what the physical aspect was like for Jesus allowed me to gain better image of the true pain experience by Jesus. That said, I would have to say that the time I most felt the weight and reality of the events of good-friday was listening to a sermon on the substitutionary attonement of Jesus by Pastor Mark Driscoll in Seattle, Washington. Along with the physical aspects, this sermon allowed me to meditate on the spiritual reality that Jesus bore in his body on that cross... namely my sin. If there was only one thing that you did on this day to meditate on Christ's crucifixion, I would recommend listening to this sermon.

In conclusion on this good-friday... remember that the goodness of this day is at the expense of the greatest injustice ever committed... God, perfect and holy, taking the punishment I deserve. In truth, I (and we) all deserve the wrath and destruction of God. But, because of his goodness and mercy, he has, for us who believe, taken this upon himself.

To my savior and king I am ever grateful. I am no longer my own, I am now and forever wholly yours.


Monday, April 03, 2006

grace and peace to you...

I am currently studying the book of Philippians. The other day I noticed that I tend to just glance over the first couple verses of the epistles (books of the bibles that are letters). My unconscious logic was that the introductions are typically very similar... "my name, to your name, something spiritual that sounds good." and my thought, to some degree, was, "yeah, yeah, how ya doing... lets get to the good stuff."

As I glanced past it in normal fashion I was cut to my heart that I would regard any portion of God's Word as mundane... I mean, if Jesus was sitting at the table with me I would undoubtedly hang on every word and syllable from his mouth... Yet, as I sit with Bible in hand, I indeed have Jesus sitting with me... speaking to me... So, I repented for my apathetic reading of scripture and took time to meditate on God's word in verses 1 & 2 of Philippians:
1:1 Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the overseers and deacons: 2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

As I took my time to read this introduction I began to wonder about grace and peace. I looked up the greek words using's interlinear study bible. I was awe struck by their definitions:

Grace: the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith, knowledge, affection, and kindles them to the exercise of the Christian virtues.

Peace: the tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and content with its earthly lot, of whatsoever sort that is.

WOW, I thought... Is there anything more I could want or need in this life and grace and peace. See, the point is that to skim scripture lightly and not allow its depth and beauty to penetrate and transform your soul is to do a great injustice to yourself and to the Lord... Would you tell Jesus to "...just skip to the good stuff"... No, for indeed all His words are the good stuff. May we take the time to listen and be transformed.
